Introducing Pinnacles National Park
On January 10, 2013, President Obama signed legislation upgrading Central California’s
Pinnacles National Monument, giving it full national park status.
Editorials from our staff traveling through the world. We share our best travel tips, and how to get a better value out of your travel insurance.
On January 10, 2013, President Obama signed legislation upgrading Central California’s
Pinnacles National Monument, giving it full national park status.
Only 90 Air-Minutes from Anchorage, Lake Clark Could Be America’s Most Under-Appreciated National Park
As a frequent visitor to America’s national parks, I learned long ago to accept crowds and congestion as part of the price of admission. I’ll grumble when I find myself eating the dust of a dozen noisy hikers just ahead of me on a trail. But I have to concede that it’s their place to enjoy too. When it comes to the parks, I’ve learned, finding true solitude in the midst of great natural beauty without spending days of precious travel time to get there can be a serious challenge.
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